TAX COLLECTOR: Barbara Adubato, CTC
PHONE: 973-838-0330
FAX: 973-838-5115
Taxes are payable quarterly on the 1st day of February, May, August & November. The Borough of Bloomingdale has a 10 day grace period. Any taxes remaining unpaid by the 10th day of February, May, August and November are subject to interest and penalty.
Payments may be submitted in person and by mail. For your convenience, there is a drop off box located just outside of the tax office window. Online payments may be made through the Borough’s webpage. Please call for assistance if need be.
Tax Collector’s Office hours Monday through Friday 8:00AM – 4:00PM
For additional Property Tax Relief Programs please visit The State of New Jersey’s webpage.
- ANCHOR Program (replaces Homestead Benefit)
- Senior Freeze Program (Property Tax Reimbursement)
Homeowners, including owners of mobile homes located in mobile home parks, age
65 or older, or receiving Social Security disability benefits, who paid property taxes on their principal residence in New Jersey directly or through mobile home park site fees may be eligible. Applicants must be NJ residents for at least the past 10 years, lived in the home for which reimbursement is claimed for at least the last 3 years, and meet certain income limits. Applicants must meet all requirements for both the base year and the reimbursement year.
Call 1-800-882-6597 for more information. - Deductions, Exemptions, Abatements