Senior Citizens Advisory Committee

The Bloomingdale Senior Citizens Advisory Committee meeting times are not currently available. For meeting times and dates, please contact the Municipal Building at 973-838-0778. Authorized Under Ord. 2-55

Date of Appt. Name Term Exp.
1/3/12 Betty Pursley 3 Years 12/31/14
1/3/12 Avalon Beek 3 Years 12/31/14
1/3/12 Joan Auletta 3 Years 12/31/14
2/24/09 Maryann Rickelman 3 Years 12/31/12
1/4/11 Maureen Tierney 3 Years 12/31/13
1/4/11 Joan Taggart 3 Years 12/31/13
8/19/10 Doris Migliorino 3 Years 12/31/12
2/8/11 Eleanor Kraphol 3 Years 12/31/13
4/12/11 Frank Blacksmith 3 Years 12/31/12
1/3/12 Jessica Mirabella, Mayor’s Rep 1 Years 12/31/12
Liason Councilwoman Shortman